Tuesday, 15 October 2013

General Advice on HOW TO Prepare for a Photo shoot

Below is some basic advice to help you prepare for a photo shoot in the future. I have had people tell me that they don't get professional photo's taken because they feel uncomfortable in front of the camera. This makes me sad as I believe a photo keeps a moment from running away and i like to capture these moments.

General Advice from A to Z:

Avoid White - Try to avoid wearing white in your photo's. White can tend to win the eye and can sometimes over-expose. Paint the moon has some nice tips on what to wear.

Bloating - Standing up straight with your shoulder's back can make a huge difference but you can also find other tips here.

Comfort - Don't wear anything that is going to make you feel uncomfortable as it can show in your face and sometimes photo shoot's can take a long time.

Dry skin - This can really detract from a great photo shoot. Start moisturizing nightly, a week in advance of your shoot. When you get out of the shower, dry off until lightly damp, and apply the moisturizer. Focus on your arms, shoulders, neck, face, hands, anywhere you’ll be exposed to the camera. This includes your legs if you’re shooting in shorts or a skirt. ProTip: For dry skin on your face, especially around your nose, use a sugar scrub. Also, be sure to use a light facial moisturizer on your face, or you could break out. [Men, don't be afraid to get some facial moisturizer. No one will ever know!]

ExerciseGoing for a walk or run the morning before your shoot can help boost your alertness and energy so get outside and take in some sun and fresh air.

Facial hair - Men, be freshly shaved with a new razor, shaving cream and a moisturizing after-shave lotion to avoid bumps and redness. Trim up your beard, sideburns, moustache or goatee, especially looking for wiry stray hairs. Ladies, even if you have some light facial hair (particularly around your lip or chin), indulge in a waxing in advance of your shoot. Even barely-there light facial hair will be noticeable in your photos. Do no get waxed on the day of the shoot as the redness will show. Men and women both, pluck and clean up those eyebrows.

Glasses - If you always wear glasses and people wouldn't recognize you without them then you should probably wear your glasses to the shoot. However, the glare can detract from your eyes in photos. You can have your lenses removed from your frames (don’t worry, it’s what Hollywood does to avoid glare in movies). Ask your eye doctor to loan you a pair of similar frames, or you can also visit an inexpensive company online and buy a suitable pair of duplicate frames for cheap.

Hair - Get your hair cut and dyed about two weeks before the shoot, just in case it goes wrong. Never do it the day before or on the day, you can't change it. If you don't colour your hair, try 'shades' or a toner which is a shade lighter then your hair to make it shine. If you’re shooting outdoors and in case of a windy day, be ready to put your hair up and make it look nice. Bring extra accessories with you just in case.

Ironing - Iron the night before and then hang the clothes for your shoot. If you’re wearing something that wrinkles easily, don’t wear it in the car on the way to the shoot – just change at the location.

Jewellery - Don't clutter your jewellery, especially around your neckline. Make sure that if you are going to wear a necklace that it compliments your outfit without drawing too much attention. A simple chain works perfectly.

K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Stupid - most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complex. This also applies to your photo shoot.

Lips - Bring fresh lip gloss or lipstick to your shoot to do touch-up's. You can exfoliate your lips by using your toothbrush and use lip balm for a few days in advance of your shoot to make your lips look their best. I recommend using Paw Paw ointment i don't go anywhere without it!

Make-up - A subtle application of make-up can really soften your skin and accent your facial features. But make sure you know what you’re doing, and make sure it matches your skin tone or your face may look orange compared to the rest of your body. Get someone to help you choose your foundation. You can usually find a professional to help you at at a cosmetic store. If you can afford a make-up artist i would highly recommend using one.

Nails - A fresh coat of nail polish will make a world of difference in your photo shoot. Pick a neutral colour that won’t distract in your shoot or clash with your outfits. Freshen the morning of the shoot, then be careful not to scuff it while prepping. Your photo shoot is a great excuse for a fresh manicure, but if you can’t go to the salon, make sure your nails look tidy and clean, including the cuticles.

Opposites - People with lighter skin tones should avoid light colours. Similarly, people with darker skin tones should avoid dark colours. Portraits look best when there’s significant contrast between skin and clothing.

Props - Bringing personal items can help make your session more meaningful. Make sure you speak to your photographer so they can help you plan your shoot with the props in them.

Quit Smoking - Not to be bossy or anything but not smoking before your session will help you look your best, also beware of yellow fingers. 

Red eyes - Eye drops are your friend. Not getting drunk the night before your shoot helps too. [I'm not joking.]

Shoes - Women can’t go wrong in heels or wedges. For men, dress shoes are best. Avoid wearing running shoes. If in doubt, ask your Mum or Partner.

Tan lines and Sunburn - Don't do it. The sun can damage your skin and spray tan's can make you look orange in photo's. Natural is best!

Undergarments - Bra straps won’t do anything to help your outfit look its best. Be sure you bring a set of bras and strap-adjusting accessories to work with any outfit you want to shoot in to keep those straps well-hidden.

Variety - If you’re planning on wearing multiple outfits, change up your looks! Try one formal outfit, one casual outfit and something in between.

Whitening - If you want to brighten your smile, start your treatments about two weeks before your shoot.

Xpress yourself - A photo shoot is supposed to be fun. Express who you are and it will show in the photo's.

Yawning - Make sure you get your beauty sleep! You don't want to be yawning while getting your photo taken, it doesn't look good.

Zits - Start using African Black Bar Soap for a week in advance of your shoot to help reduce/limit pimples and blemishes [Ask if i have any in stock]. Equally important, don’t cake on a lot of make-up to try to hide blemishes. It’s almost always easier to Photoshop away pimples than to clean up overdone make-up.
Now just remember that these are just guidelines and you don't have to do every single one before a photo shoot. The most important tip that I can give is not to stress! Just relax, have fun and enjoy your photo shoot because these are memories that will be captured forever.

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