Monday, 29 April 2013

For you, Ada

Yesterday we went to visit my daughter's Great Grandmother (Ada) for her 84th Birthday!

As we walked into the room at her nursing home we saw her face just light up as our 16 month old daughter ran through the doorway, nearly falling over her own feet. We had never seen her eyes light up this much until we had a daughter and she met her for the first time (She had 2 boys and always wanted a daughter). Her smile, so wide that she mentioned her jaw was getting sore from smiling so much.

We sat down around the room and watched our daughter get into all kinds of mischief. While laughing at the little faces she makes i noticed some pictures in different frames that i had seen before but never actually 'looked' at. They were photographs of Ada when she was in her 20's. So elegant, so beautiful, so happy. Absolutely stunning photographs i might add. I love anything and everything vintage! I reached for my camera and decided to take a photograph of one of the pictures i admired so much.

This photo really made me think about how photography has changed so much over the years. How blessed we are to have the technology that we have today. I know that back then i probably wouldn't have been a photographer, an artist maybe, but not a photographer. Everything was so bulky and time consuming. So as i sit here right now i am grateful for the opportunity of photography, the technology, what we can do as human beings. I think to myself, what would we do without it? 

Don't Be Negative Photography - The beauty of life captured.

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