Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Tuesday night... My other half is at band practice and the little one is fast asleep. What to do, what to do? I know, i will procrastinate and instead of doing much needed paper work i will edit some photo's from today and put them on my blog! Great idea Heidi, yes i agree this is a much better idea than yucky paperwork! I promise i'm not crazy. I only talk to myself when i'm tired, which is most of the time but at least i'm a good listener and i give good advice!

Any-who i've forgotten why i'm here. Oh yes the photo's! Last week we bought a fold out couch for our spare room and it came in a rather big cardboard box. So what do you do when you have a large box sitting in your living room? You turn into a big kid, jump inside it while your daughter tries to close you in. After you get bored of that you cut some doors on the side and try to get your daughter to come inside the new cubby house but she's no ordinary 1 and a half year old, she doesn't like playing in boxes so you end up having more fun with it than she does. Then your family come over one night during the week and join in on the fun for example using it as a hiding place and jumping out with nerf gun's and shooting everyone. I come from a strange family, there is never a dull moment. 

After a week of enjoying the fun of the cardboard box it starts to fall apart so i decided that i would do a little art project with my daughter and draw all over it in coloured chalk. It was a fun idea but two things i did wrong; One - we did it inside and two - we did it in our onesies. Yes we were both in onesies. So as you can imagine chalk can be a bit messy and we got it everywhere! Here are some colourful pictures for your enjoyment:

Which one will i choose?

Colourful fingers

Colour splash!

Did i sit on something?

 All smudged up

Look what i did Mum!

Rainbow foot steps

Finished product

Hope you enjoyed this blog. Each photo has a name so let me know which one is your favourite and i will put it up on my website. You can visit my website at: 

You can also find me on Facebook:

Thanks for listening :)